I love holiday traditions and countdown calendars have always been a big thing in my home.
It all started with a felt Christmas tree. My mom had given me a stitching kit to create a advent calendar. It was a monumental task. It has 24 ornaments, the felt tree, and the hanging banner. The ornaments all had to be cut, decorated with sequins, and embroidery...did I mention there are 24? The tree had to have velcro circles sewn onto it for each ornament and the ornaments had to have the velcro circles sewn onto them...did I mention there are 24? Oh yeah and there are 24 pockets on the bottom edge of the hanger for each of the ornaments. And...there are felt numbers sewn onto each pocket. But wait, there is more. There is red ric-rac sewn along the edges of the pockets The ornaments...all 24 of them are elaborate. We're talking a baby doll, a rocking horse, a tin soldier, a ball, a sleigh, Santa, a reindeer and so much more.
I worked tirelessly on it and was able to complete it before the upcoming Christmas holiday the same year Mom gave it to me. It has become the favorite tradition. Mom and I send each other a picture the minute it goes up and it ALWAYS goes up December 1. My kids loved to take turns putting an ornament on the tree. Then when they got married one of my daughters-in-law would stay up late to be able to put the next day's ornament on it. And now it is the grandchildren who love to put the ornaments on and if one of them is coming over for the day, well I save that day for them to do.
Stampin' Up! has the best Countdown Kit for you to create a fun family tradition for your family. And it is very sturdy for many years of use. It is so fun and versatile. And I put all kinds of different things in the boxes.
This year I am making them for each of my children and my grandson and his wife. The boxes will have candy, a date night, notes of encouragement, silly little things that make them laugh.
I have seen so many cute ideas using this kit...not just Christmas. Just pick up some different Designer Series paper and decorate it how you want.
Here are some other great ideas...
Date Night options
Chores; put the chore in the box with the amount of money it pays.
Family activities
Birthday Countdown
Jewelry holder
Baby Countdown

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