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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Paulsen

When it comes to dads I hit the jackpot!

When it comes to dads I hit the jackpot. My dad is the most amazing man. He had a very interesting childhood growing up in a rough and tumble mining town in Wyoming. Oh, the stories he has shared, they are astounding and maybe a little bit terrifying. I have never once in my life doubted my dad’s love for me. He supports my decisions, he is interested in my hobbies, my health, my interests and he tells me regularly that he loves me. And then along came my husband who is an amazing dad to our sons. He did not have a dad like mine. But he has tried very hard to improve on and be a dad that tells his kids they are loved. He too supports them and encourages them in their endeavors.

I LOVE to design and create cards for them for Father’s Day because they hold such special spots in my heart. When I was a little girl my dad had an old Dodge car, its name was Gertie. It was always a special treat to go for a ride in Ol’ Gertie. I think that may have been the beginning of my love for cars, especially old cars and muscle cars. My hubster also loves old cars and trucks and restoring them. The cars we drive say a lot about us.

This Father’s Day card was so simple to design, using just black and white and some silver embossing powder I came up with this great card. It is a very simple card to make and has a wow factor that I think will put a smile on any car loving father’s face.

Happy Father's Day


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